Final Shot with David Leadbetter

One of the world’s leading golf instructors, students include Nick Faldo and Ernie Els, talks about his favoruite player, best pupil and the art of coaching 

David Leadbetter

Who was favourite your player as a child?

Gary Player. Because I grew up in Africa and he’s always an idol of mine. I still admire him so much because he’s 80 years old now and still has the energy of a 50 years old. He got the passion, enthusiasm and positivity. And he’s one of few people in this world when you are around, you feel better and positive about everything he talks about. He’s an amazing man and helped many people to believe in themselves. If you want something badly and you really go for it, you can achieve. 

Back in his days, he didn’t have the physical attributes of those guys, for example Arnold Palmer. But he just basically drove himself to be the very best through will power and strength of mind.

I guess he’s the last person on earth you would like to take a push-up challenge with… Is Mr. Player the most influential people on your golf career?

Actually, the most influential people on my career were the students I have taught. That’s how you learn as a teacher, how to teach, coach, empathise, sympathise, how to get into people’s head. I have been associated with some great players in the game. People like Ernie Els, Nick Price and Nick Faldo really drove me to search, experiment and find out ways to get information across. I have been lucky to teach lots of different types of players.


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