Q&A with Team Hong Kong

We caught up with Team Hong Kong players Michael Regan Wong, Leon D’Souza and Matthew Cheung at the 2015 Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship press conference.

Michael Regan Wong, Leon D’Souza and Matthew Cheung

Q: The Asia Pacific Amateur Championship enjoys a very high profile in Asia. What does it mean to you to be playing in Asia's most prestigious amateur event here in your home turf, so to speak?

MATTHEW CHEUNG: It definitely means a lot because it's one of the most well run tournaments us amateurs have the whole year, and especially having it in Hong Kong this year and having it on such a beautiful golf course like Clearwater Bay, it's just pretty special, having friends around. It should be a good week.

MICHAEL REGAN WONG: As Matthew said, to have any international tournament being hosted in your home country, it's always special having such a big event being in your home country, it's very special. Just to see the course, how it's being setup, it's great.

LEON PHILIP D’SOUZA: Yeah, as they said, it's really, really special being in our hometown and having family and friends over to support it and watch it, it's great. And it's like a one of a kind event hosted in Hong Kong and really looking forward to it.

Q. Obviously all three of you have played Clearwater Bay countless times. How different is the course playing for this event from anything you've experienced in the past?

MATTHEW CHEUNG: Well, the last week or the last couple of days, it's actually been very calm in Clearwater Bay. I think people are kind of thinking that the golf course is playing a little easy, because it's not real live long and there are a lot of scoring holes out there.

So, I feel like once if it's supposed to blow a lot on Saturday and Sunday, and this golf course can play very, very difficult. We've played it in some pretty high winds, and you do see a lot of big scores out there.

But obviously Clearwater Bay have done a very good job of getting the course ready for this event. I mean, the greens are rolling as smooth as I've ever seen them, and as well, the fairways are flush. Everything on the golf course is just beautiful.

MICHAEL REGAN WONG: As Matthew said, being able to play the golf course in conditions when it's been not so good and it's been raining; and to see the work that the golf course has done and to play it in perfect conditions is really good.

The deciding fact I think will see who can play the best in the wind because over the weekend, the forecast, it's said to be a bit windier. So definitely the wind will be a big factor this week.

LEON PHILIP D’SOUZA: Yeah, Clearwater Bay have done a great job of keeping the course in great condition. The fairways, the tee boxes, the greens are just immaculate.

As you say, the wind and rain are expected to come in the next two days, so it's going to be a different test for sure. But we've played it, thousands of times on this golf course, and it plays different no wind or less wind, but yeah, kind of used to it.

Q. The home team, is there more pressure on you? Or do you find having friends watch makes it easier?

MATTHEW CHEUNG: I feel like right now it's nice because right now I'm studying in the States, so to be able to come home and see my family, and it's not every day of the year my parents get to see me play golf. I'm relishing this opportunity just to play in front of friends and family.

I think there's always a bit of pressure for whoever the host country is for the players to play well and compete. I think we're just enjoying the experience overall because it's such a great tournament.

MICHAEL REGAN WONG: As Matt said, it's always good and there's always pressure, because when you're the host country in a big event, friends and family are here. But it's exciting. Usual amateur tournaments, the people, normally they are not allowed to he can spectate. So for them to come out and spectate, it's good. It gives them a chance to see how we are playing, and it allows us to entertain them. It's good.

LEON PHILIP D’SOUZA: It's more excitement than pressure to me because I've been studying in the States for a few weeks. Just to see my friends and family back in Hong Kong, it's great to play in front of them. So, yeah, I'm just relishing my time playing in this tournament and for it being hometown, playing in front of family and friends, it's great.