Fiji to host new OneAsia event

The PGA Tour of Australasia announced a new Pacific tournament Thursday co-sanctioned by OneAsia -- the US$1 million Fiji International, which the military regime declared a major tourism win.

SYDNEY, September 19, 2013 (AFP) - To be played at the Natadola Bay Championship Golf Course in August 2014, the event was confirmed for an initial five-year period in a joint launch by the PGA of Australia and Fiji's leader Voreqe Bainimarama.

"Today is a significant moment for Fiji because it demonstrates that the PGA has faith in our country to hold one of its major events. Faith in our infrastructure, faith in our economy and faith in our people," said Bainimarama, who seized power in a bloodless coup in December 2006.

"I am here to say that we are equal to the opportunity and look forward to a strong and lasting relationship with the PGA."

Since the coup Bainimarama's regime has been shunned by the international community for tearing up the Pacific nation's constitution, sacking the judiciary and tightening media censorship as well as reneging on promises to hold elections in 2009.

Some sanctions were eased recently after the release of a new constitution and the announcement of plans for a democratic election by September 2014.

Bainimarama said the Fiji International, with a guaranteed minimum prize purse of $1 million, would offer a priceless opportunity to promote his nation as a tourist destination and boost the economy.

Brian Thorburn, head of the PGA of Australia, said they hoped the Fiji tournament would become "one of the most sought after trophies within the region bringing some of the world's best players".

OneAsia chairman Sang Y. Chun added: "We're very excited to have the Fiji International become part of the OneAsia schedule, and I am certain that the tournament will very quickly become one of the most popular destinations on tour."