Wednesday Quotable Quotes

Words of Wisdom from the Interview Room at Medinah

Phil Mickelson in the Media Center

Steve Stricker:
On being the oldest player: “I feel like I’m an old kind of rookie. Even though I’ve played in three of these, its still a learning experience.”
On Phil Mickelson: “I think he’s taken on that role of being the guy that anybody can come to and ask anything, any sort of advice.”

Brandt Snedeker:
On how he feels: “Confidence right now is obviously at an all time high. I’m playing the best golf of my career.”
On Davis Love: “[we’ll] make sure he looks like a genius all week and try to make this one of the best weeks of his life.”
On Tiger: “He’s playing great. And he’s got a little edge to him. I think he’s going to be a guy that you do not want to face at any point this week.”
On being seen as unaggressive: “I’m very, very competitive. People don’t get that, because I’m polite. I’m going to try to beat their brains in as bad as I can.”

Phil Mickelson:
On the Ryder Cup: “I just love this event… I love being part of the team [and] I want to play and compete.”
On key holes: “17. The amphitheater effect that the green provides… if could be a critical hole. Another is 13… every match is likely going to get there [and] that’s going to be a critical hole momentum-wise”
On the drivable 15th: “I think most guys are going to lay up… it’s over done.. unlike the 10th at Riviera which really entices you and gives you options.”

Captain Davis Love III:
On the team resting: “I only had Jim Furyk [willing to] go to Pearl Jam on Friday… because everybody wanted to go to bed.”
On the team having fun: “we’ve got unbelievably fast thoroughbreds here and you [must] let them out in the pasture to kick their heels up and eat some grass”
On being emotional: “Bubba and I are going to cry a lot. We were both crying at the same table last night.”

Ian Poulter:
On why he has such a good Cup record: “I just love this more than any other event in the world. I get very proud to put this shirt on and have that crest on my chest.”
On Friday morning: “it’s key to get out of the blocks very, very quickly here. We’re going to try and keep their crowd as quiet as possible.”
On team rivalry: “We are all good friends… but there is something about Ryder Cup which kind of intrigues me. How you can be great mates with someone, but, boy, do you want to kill them in Ryder Cup!”

Rory McIlroy:
On the course set-up: “It feels like it sets up personally for me, sets up well for most of the guys on our team.”
On being a “marked man”: “I don’t think I have a bulls-eye on my back. Whoever wants to take me on, they can take me on”
On Ian Poulter wanting to “kill his American mates”: (laughing) “I think kill is a little strong. I’d like to beat them.”
On the difference from 2010: “I was very tentative. It’s going to be different this year. I’m going to go out and just give it a go, enjoy it, play the way I play.”

Sergio Garcia:
On Medinah: “Personally I liked it better in ‘99”
On his last Ryder Cup (when he lost to Anthony Kim): “2008? I barely remember; Alzheimers! (laughing)