Q&A with Michael Regan Wong

Team Hong Kong member Michael Regan Wong talks to us at the Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship.

Michael Regan Wong

Q: Good to see you back in town. I understand you’ve just begun your university life at UC Riverside, California. Do you find it difficult to find the right balance between golfing and studying?

A: Yes, sometimes it’s tough to get that balance. But I’ve learned to time manage myself, to not over-favour myself into either side. It’s just part of growing up.

Q: And how is your weekly training schedule?

A: We spend 6 hours training every day, Monday through Friday, which includes gym sessions, on-course practice, 18-holes.

Q: You teammate Matthew Cheung said that playing in the States is a whole different thing from playing in Hong Kong. Do you think that as Asians, with our generally smaller build, it would be a disadvantage in the long game?

A: Not really. I’ve been going to the gym a lot, to build up my strength and adapt to their playing style. My average driving yardage is 280, and I feel I’m able to compete.