Q&A with Dicky Lee

We sat down with Dicky Lee, Coporate Development Director at Ocean Creative Company (a publishing house) to talk about his love of golf and junior golf development in Hong Kong. 

Dicky Lee and his daughter Summer

Q: Dicky, you were at the inaugural Ho Tram Open early this month. How was it for you?

A: Yes, my team and I were invited as Media to cover the event, and it was a trip to remember. You read the rave reviews on The Bluffs, you see the wonderful pictures, but you have to be there to believe it – the whole development is beautiful beyond words.

The Asian Tour and its partners did a great job holding and promoting the event. With Garcia winning the title, it gave a lot of positive exposure to the development of golf in Asia.

Q: The week after you returned to Hong Kong and took second place in Nett Stableford of the HKGA Pairs Tournament. The perfect Christmas gift for you, yes?

A: Yes, we were very lucky to claim runner-up. The course at Discovery Bay was in excellent condition like always. My playing partner Emma Wan, a member of the HKGA Junior Squad and my niece, learned a lot in this tournament.

Q: Speaking of junior golf, your daughter Summer is also a keen golfer like yourself.

A: The passion for the game certainly runs in the family. She took part in a number of junior tournaments this year, winning some, losing some. I am proud of her either way.

Q: I was chatting with another parent the other day, and a recent ‘trend’ worried him: Some kids, for fear of upsetting their parents, would report a false score or fake injury, even when they aren’t in contention of any prizes. As a golf lover and parent, integrity of the game must be the first lesson you teach your daughter?

A: A big YES to your question and I am so glad you brought it up. I have seen my fair share of dishonest behaviour on the course. So I always tell Summer: “It is more important to play fair than to play well.” Golf is very much about self-discipline. You can always ‘miraculously’ find your ball in the bushes, but I don’t want my daughter or any junior golfer to become a cheater.

Like you mentioned, a lot of the kids who cheat aren’t even near the top 10. Why do they do it then? From what I observe, they do not want to disappoint their parents. With all the time and money invested, a 7-year-old is probably ashamed to say “Daddy, I play 20-over”.

It is therefore important for children to learn the integrity of the game at an early age. Only then can golf grow healthily.