Junior in Focus: Julius Yang

HKGA Junior Squad member Julius Yang will compete in the U.S. Kids Golf World Championship at Pinehurst this summer. 

Julius and Ronald Yang

HONG KONG, 15 Mar 2016, (HK Golfer News Wire) – Elder son of local golfer Ronald Yang, 11-year-old Julius is in his fifth year of golf. Julius recently won in his age division at the Hong Kong qualifier for the U.S. Kids Golf World Championship, which will take place at the Pinehurst golf resort in North Carolina on 4th to 6th August. 

Ronald is particularly proud of Julius’ short game. “He spends an average of 8 hours a week practising at Deep Water Bay Golf Club,” Ronald said, “It certainly grows his game as he gets to hang out with golfers of his age and learn from one another.”

Julius currently studies at St. Paul’s College Primary School. 

Julius and Rich Beem share a laugh during the golf clinic

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