Learn to Play Better

The Jack Nicklaus Academy of Golf at Hong Kong Golf & Tennis Academy (HKGTA) in Sai Kung has released the new Golden Bear Golf Passport. It provides access to world-class Nicklaus Academy instruction as well as its state-of-the-art practice facility and hitting stations

Jack Nicklaus Academy of Golf

Hong Kong golf enthusiasts are able to enjoy the world renowned personalized coaching method of the Jack Nicklaus Academy of Golf now at its new Asia location - the Hong Kong Golf & Tennis Academy (HKGTA). The partnership between Jack Nicklaus Academies and HKGTA brings its world class golf facilities and training to Hong Kong for the first time. The new site has been carefully designed to engage and support players in order to enhance their enjoyment with the game.

The HKGTA was specially selected as the site of the new Nicklaus Academy. Its mission, to elevate the standard of golf coaching and raise the profile of competitive and recreational golf in Hong Kong, perfectly aligns with the Jack Nicklaus’ belief that “Confidence is the most important single factor in this game, and no matter how great your natural talent, there is only one way to obtain and sustain it: Work.

6-Hole Short Course


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