Tiffany Chan’s success in becoming a Golf Olympian, and the first local winner of the HK Ladies Open at the HKGC in June, has elevated HK golf to a new high. Everyone who has been involved in HK golf over the last decade should take pride in her achievements and she is a pioneer for HK golf - not only though her talent and expertise on the course but also through her off-course demeanor. She has won the hearts and minds of the HK golfing community.
I’m sure Tiffany has further ambitions and last summer will just be a platform for further success over the next seasons. But what about the next Miss Chan (or Master Chan!)? Who is following in her footsteps and what strategy has the GA embarking upon to ensure this is not just a lone, isolated success?
David Hui, Chairmen of the Junior International Committee says, “We believe the key to sustained and continued success is to build from the ground up. HSBC has partnered with us to create the HSBC Schools Program. This is a wonderful entry system into the game for many local Hong Kong children who would have not otherwise had the chance to taste golf first hand. From this we are continually look to build s seamless pathway for players getting their first h’cap, and then through the Squad Games, Coaching Sessions and Junior Tour to then be able to develop their golfing prowess and subsequently reduce their h’cap over subsequent seasons so that some of these Juniors elevate themselves to our Elite Squad. We are very focused on then assisting the players in our Elite Squad gain entry to College and University Golf Programs overseas.”
The HKGA’s strategy is to continue to build a defined and robust Player Funnel. We have created the ‘HKGA Scorecard’ which helps us track and measure periodically (every 3 months) the number of players we have at each stage of the funnel.
Click here to see the published article.