
As two of the world’s most important watch events come to a close, Evan Rast looks into the present and future of watchmaking

I am one of those who believe that maturity comes with experience, not age. Even the oldest and most successful of industries need a shake- up once in a while, especially if they seem to be moving onto a more self- indulgent path. We of course know what I am pertaining to. Our chum the Swiss watch industry was enjoying a period of unbridled growth – which led to cocky lavishness for some companies – when it had a moment of self- realization, not by choice, but by necessity.
The global financial crisis abruptly put an end to its devil-may-care days. But since then, at least in my view, things have only gotten better. Yes, sales may have slumped. And yes, the industry may have been ravaged, with many companies having to throw in the towel. But as they say, what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger. And with the lessons companies have learned, it is us, the watch lovers, who are reaping the rewards. Apart from feeling a bit more appreciated – and being less likely to fall for brands selling high-priced, ostentatious pieces that no one can maintain or repair – we now have the benefit of seeing beautiful, well- thought of collections that impart the true value of wearing watches; the most important of which is to read the time!


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